7 ways to be kind & give back in 2023

Ready to spread joy? Here’s 7 ways you can be kind & get involved with the great work we are doing at Like Minded Females (LMF Network) — building the careers & confidence of people, women, students & minorities.

1 min readJan 4, 2023
  1. Volunteer your time as a mentor ( 2–4 hours monthly)

[mentoring sign up form here]

2. Write a thought piece for our blog (1 hour)

3. Support our work by introducing us to potential partners & sponsors (message)

4. Record your video and share your top career advice or failure comebacks for our socials (15 minutes)

Photo by Abhishek Koli on Unsplash

5. Follow our page, subscribe to our meta letter & rate our podcast 5* (priceless)

6. Donate to our careers & mentoring programme, financially supporting one person to enter the course (£50) — https://lnkd.in/ejUjMVCy

7. Share your story as a podcast guest and inspire others (1 hour)

🌎 www.lmfnetwork.com

We are fortunate to be working with people who are kind, caring & considerate of the wider community. And we hope to sustain our efforts through your support.




LMF Network - building the careers & confidence of 25,000 people by 2025 through mentoring, masterclasses & meaningful conversations. www.LMFNetwork.com