Thank you, Mentors.

5 min readFeb 1, 2022

30th January is recognized as the “Thank You Mentor Day”.

So, let us take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all the people in our lives who have guided, encouraged, and supported us over the years.

A mentor is someone who listened to you when you needed to be heard and who gave you a push in the right direction when you were feeling lost. They are someone who said some words of encouragement when you were facing failure, who gave you a hand pulling you up back on your feet and who cheered you on when you felt demoralized.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Over the years, I have had many conversations with people in formal and informal capacities that have had a lasting impact on me. When I was in university and very close to graduating, like any other student, I felt overwhelmed.

For four years, I walked a straight path, studied hard, fulfilled the requirements to graduate on time and with a good result. But as the impending graduation loomed ahead, I didn’t know what my next step was going to be.

Some of my fellows had already secured admissions to graduate schools abroad. Others were attending job fairs and applying for any and every opening they could find. Some were thinking about taking some time off to contemplate their next move.

Even though I knew I wanted to get some work experience, the anxiety of making the wrong move was nagging at me. So, I went to a professor who took out time for me despite his extremely busy schedule.

He just listened to me for an hour and really understood my concerns and worries before attempting to address them. He then shared advice from his experience, ensuring that it was appropriate for my circumstances.

That conversation was pivotal in helping me overcome my apprehension and regain my confidence at a time when I was feeling lost.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

I started my career at one of the biggest multinational companies globally, and it really felt like I had made it. But to really make it, you have to do more than just fulfill the responsibilities of your role. You have to go over and beyond. You are expected to bring something innovative to the table.

Looking back, I realize that I always had the most supportive managers who helped me adjust to the fast pace of the practical world. They did more than just delegate tasks and ask for updates. They took an interest in my professional development and shared feedback intending to help me improve rather than critiquing me to let me down.

I was assigned a mentor during my training who helped me navigate the challenges of a corporate job. He was extremely patient with me. He always listened to my issues without judgement and shared anecdotes from his time as a new entrant, facilitating my transition into the corporate world. In addition, his sense of pride in my achievements helped me feel proud of myself.

Those sessions were always a learning experience that I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to.

I joined the LMF Network last year at a time in my life when I was struggling to find a career path that would fit well with my aspirations and my abilities. Immersed in an internal dialogue about the pros and cons of each potential move, I felt out of step with my goals.

More importantly, our mentoring sessions consisted of easy, flowing conversations in which I was listened to and acknowledged my experiences. She assured me that what I felt was normal and the fact that I was asking myself these questions meant that I was on the right path.

I then joined another scheme under LMF and matched with another fantastic mentor. Both of these remarkable women who are extremely successful in their respective fields are sources of inspiration for me. The objective advice they shared unconsciously helped me develop a positive attitude towards my future career plans.

Thank you to all the people, including friends, family, fellow students, professors, colleagues, and managers, for their mentorship, whether it was in the form of advice, a helping hand or encouragement.

Also, thanks to the LMF Network for creating a community that brings together people under the banner of mentorship and in the spirit of womanhood.

This blog contribution was made by Aleena Ahmad.

Hi. My name is Aleena. I am a graduate in Electrical Engineering and currently working as a Market Analyst. I love to read books - obsessed with political non-fiction. I find baking therapeutic, and I like to start my day with yoga. I believe writing is the best way to articulate one’s thoughts and start a conversation. I am passionate about women empowerment initiatives and I’m always looking for opportunities to contribute.

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What is LMF Network?

The LMF Network is a global social enterprise (not for profit) focused on empowering, enabling & educating women and marginalised groups into tech, entrepreneurship & digital. We specialise in designing and delivering accessible programmes and supporting a global community. We’ve gone from a brunch club to a social good brand based on what the community wanted. We are a real community run by real people.




LMF Network - building the careers & confidence of 25,000 people by 2025 through mentoring, masterclasses & meaningful conversations.