Why do we exist?

3 min readNov 30, 2020


Do you want the philosophical or practical answer?

Simply put, we exist because we didn’t belong. We exist to create spaces where you can show up as your full self and belong. We exist to enable, educate and empower you with life skills for future success. We exist because you asked us to.

What is the ?


is a global social enterprise (not for profit) focused on empowering, enabling & educating womxn and marginalised groups into tech, entrepreneurship & digital. We specialise in designing and delivering an accessible programmes and supporting a a global community. We’ve gone from a brunch club to a social good brand based on what the community wanted. We are a real community run by real people.

Since launching in May 2018, the network has facilitated 200+ workshops globally, upskilled 5000+ people, nominated for 3 national awards and engaged with over 35,000 online. With it’s roots firmly in London, we now have our first international chapter in Toronto, Canada and are launching our first university society with Queens University, Canada.

What do we offer?

  1. Global mentoring programme — a comprehensive 6 month multimedia programme to provide supportive relationships, opportunities and tools to achieve one’s career goals. Covering topics from goal setting, personal branding to CV & interview skills and public speaking. Why? Because through the mentoring programme, we are breaking open the conversations around career progression and promotion; matching companies with great industry talent and supporting professionals to upskill. Our first pilot has a 98% success rate!
  2. Life skills programme - A quarterly series designed to educate and upskill on life topics, such as financial literacy, personal branding, interview skills, self confidence and digital knowledge. In April 2020 we launched our COVID19 series which saw 1,000+ sign ups, 85% show up rate to workshops and a 98% success rate for upskilling. In Oct — November, we launched our #moneymatters series upskilling 1000s through 4 themes of financial literacy, workshops, IG lives, podcasts and workbooks.
  3. Supportive online community — We have a buzzing online community through IG, Linkedin and Slack. Everyone and anyone is welcome!
  4. Business based podcast — Strategically Winging It is our business podcast discussing all things leadership, diversity and skills!

Who have we worked with?

Here’s a few of our partners or clients.

Others include : Capgemini, Catalyst, Hatch Enterprise, YSYS, Le Wagon

How can you work with us?

  1. Volunteer or intern — We are 100% led and managed by volunteers who want to progress #socialgood and #socialmobility.
  2. Donate or sponsor our organisation— Donations drive our programmes and support the community! We are a CIC [not for profit, community interest company] and soon transitioning into a full fledged charity.
  3. Lead workshops and upskill — There is always a space for you to share your learnings and educate our community.
  4. Support the mentoring programme 2021 — We are looking for organisations to support the programme by donating mentors, time and money to run the 6 month programme starting February 2021.

How can you keep in touch?

Who is this written by?

— Founder and CEO of — Award winning Entrepreneur and Diversity Coach.

Linkedin & Instagram




LMF Network - building the careers & confidence of 25,000 people by 2025 through mentoring, masterclasses & meaningful conversations. www.LMFNetwork.com